Our Responsibility

Live our Code and speak up when you have a question or concern

Your voice matters

Our reputation as an ethical company depends on all of us working together to ensure our high ethical standards are upheld. Sometimes it may seem easier to keep quiet if you see someone violating our Code, but doing nothing can result in serious consequences. Speaking up when you observe illegal or unethical behavior means you care about ensuring we maintain an ethical workplace.

Ways to speak up

You have the right and the responsibility to protect our Company from conduct that violates our Code. If you encounter Code violations or concerns, we rely on you to report these matters promptly. When you speak up, you can be assured that your concern will be addressed promptly and in confidence. At Equinix, there are a number of appropriate ways for you to speak up about questions or concerns you may have, including:

Whistleblower protection policy

We believe it is essential to create an environment in which individuals feel able to raise any matters of genuine concern without fear of retaliation, confident that their concerns will be taken seriously and acted upon by the Company.

Equinix has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to retaliation against any employee who makes a good faith report of potential misconduct or helps with an investigation. We want you to feel free to ask questions and raise concerns without fear of retaliation, knowing that you have done the right thing in coming forward.

Code of business conduct waivers

It is the responsibility of all Equinix employees to understand and to comply with our Code. Subject to applicable law, if you violate the policies and procedures in our Code, you may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of your employment If you believe your actions may violate our Code, you need to raise the issue to your manager and the Compliance Office.

Equinix may waive application of the policies set forth in our Code only when circumstances warrant granting a waiver based on the best interests of Equinix and its shareholders.


Our Code is on your Equinix MobileOne app and all of our policies can be found on the Equinix Intranet.


Our Code is on your Equinix MobileOne app and all of our policies can be found on the Equinix Intranet.

A waiver of any Equinix policy or section of our Code requested by an employee must be approved by the employee’s manager and the Compliance Officer. Employee waiver requests will be reviewed and granted on a case-by-case basis.

Waivers of the Code for directors and executive officers must be approved by disinterested directors and will be disclosed as required by applicable law or regulation. Requests for a waiver of our Code may be made on the intranet at:


Recommended reading:
Equinix Whistleblower Protection Policy