Our Community

Making a positive difference in our communities and around the world

Human Rights

Equinix supports and respects the protection of all human rights around the world. We are committed to upholding the fundamental human rights of our employees and of the workers of companies we engage. We expect our vendors and partners to adhere to these same high standards.

Charitable contributions

Giving back to our communities. Equinix encourages employees to make positive contributions in the communities where they live and work. Equinix is also committed to supporting relevant social, economic and sustainability issues that matter most to our business, our employees and our communities. Equinix has identified a number of focus areas for charitable giving that are based on their relevance to our business and which we will support through Company donations. Given our focus areas, we generally do not accept unsolicited funding requests. Instead, we prefer to invite requests for proposals that contribute to our strategic program areas and funding priorities. The
Corporate Social Responsibility team is responsible for reviewing and evaluating these requests.

Equinix encourages individual employees to make their own contributions to charities. However, Equinix will not, under any circumstances, reimburse individual or personal contributions made by employees to a charity, school, nonprofit agency or non-governmental organization(NGO).

Additionally, you should never personally make a payment on behalf of Equinix to a charity, school, nonprofit agency or NGO – including payments for event tickets–because Equinix will not reimburse these expenses. Any exceptions to these guidelines must be approved by the regional controller and/or the Corporate Social Responsibility team.

For more information about our giving strategy, please reference the Global Giving Policy or contact the Corporate Social Responsibility team.

Recommended reading:
Equinix Global Giving Policy

Matching gifts. Equinix has established a matching gifts program to support employees in their personal philanthropy, charitablegiving and volunteer efforts. If you make a monetary contribution or volunteer your time to an eligible organization, Equinix will“match” that money or time contribution with a monetary contribution.

Additional information and requirements of the Matching Gifts Policy and Program, including specific eligibility requirements for employees and organizations, are outlined in the Equinix Matching Gifts Program.

Recommended reading:
Equinix Matching Gifts Program

Political activities and contributions

We support good relations with the communities where we operate. You may participate in local activities that address the needs of the communities in which you live and work. As a private citizen, you may also support your local political process with personal contributions or by volunteering your personal time. These activities, however, must not be conducted on Company time or involve the use of Company resources. You may not make or commit political contributions on behalf of Equinix.

Make sure that your involvement in political activities is in compliance with applicable U.S. and local laws and is not prohibited by other Equinix policies.

The environment

At Equinix, we seek to be good stewards of the environment and of the resources we consume with a goal of minimizing our carbon footprint. We do this by focusing on:

  • Designing, building, and operating efficiently in order to reduce our consumption of all resources, including electricity, water, natural gas, diesel and refrigerants
  • Playing an active role in the “greening” of our business and being a leader in evaluating and deploying innovative solutions
  • Measuring ourselves using industry best practices and Equinix specific KPIs, publicly set goals and report progress in a transparent manner

Recommended reading:
Equinix Sustainability