Equinix Code Of Business Conduct

Our Message

From Charles Meyers and Peter Van Camp

At Equinix, we are all working together to build an organization that is defined by its honesty, integrity and consistently ethical behavior. Our commitment to the highest standards of business and professional conduct differentiates our business as much as our technology. Our passion to create an enduring, great company is exceeded only by our promise to do so with uncompromising integrity and commitment to ethical business practices.

As a global company, we embrace honesty and integrity because it’s fundamentally the right thing to do, but ethical behavior also makes good business sense. When we place integrity and ethical values at the center of our business, our customers and partners know they can trust our Company and the products and services we deliver.

Our Code of Business Conduct reflects and documents our ethical values and standards. It provides us with the information, the resources and the tools necessary to create clear, consistent global standards for ethical business conduct and compliance with laws. We are all expected to know our Code and to use it to guide our daily interactions. It is designed to help us make the right choices when we encounter challenging ethical situations.

As Equinix employees, we all have the right and the responsibility to protect our Company culture from any conduct that threatens our values or harms our reputation. Holding each other accountable to live our values is what makes Equinix a special place to work. If you ever have questions or concerns that our Code of Business Conduct is being violated, please speak up. You are encouraged to talk with your manager, Equinix’s compliance officer, the chief legal officer or the chief HR officer. You may also report anonymously using our online ethics form or our multi-lin- gual phone service.

At Equinix, we are proud to be people who are ethical, engaged and empowered. For it is our people and our culture that have made Equinix the leader it is today and will be the foundation that determines our destiny.

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Charles Meyers
Chief Executive Officer

Peter Van Camp
Executive Chairman

Our Purpose and Values

The Equinix Promise

Our Purpose

To be the platform where the world comes together, enabling the innovations that enrich our work, life and planet.

Our Values

To be the platform where the world comes together, enabling the innovations that enrich our work, life and planet.

  • Customers count on us to deliver on our commitments.
  • Equinix is all about dedicated people holding each other
    accountable for superior execution.
  • We value a culture of disciplined thought and action.
  • At Equinix, we set high standards of excellence.
  • Our passion to create an enduring great company is priority
    number one.