Equinix is built on a foundation of strong corporate values and business practices, and we know that our continued success depends on our commitment to doing business with honesty, ntegrity, professionalism and commitment to superior results. That means as a company we value:
In most situations, our personal values and honesty will guide us to the right and ethical decision. But if we have questions about the right actions to take, our Code of Business Conduct (our “Code”) is there to give us additional guidance. We should alsoremember that not every situation can be addressed in our Code. In those situations, you should talk with your manager or the Compliance Office.
Our Code applies to every Equinix officer, director and employee, including part-time and temporary employees. Our Code should also be provided to and followed by those acting on Equinix’s behalf, such as agents, representatives and consultants.
We are all expected to comply with both the letter and the spirit of our Code. This means you must understand and comply with all of our policies, laws and regulations that apply to your job and seek guidance if you have questions or concerns. Employees who violate our Code put themselves, fellow employees and our Company at risk and are subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
Employees who supervise others have an especially important responsibility to lead by example and maintain the highest standards of behavior. If you supervise others, you should promote an environment where employees understand their responsibilities and feel comfortable raising issues and concerns without fear of retaliation. If an issue is raised, you must take prompt action.
You must also make sure that each employee under your supervision understands our Code and the policies, laws and regulations that affect our workplace. Our Code may complement other policies, procedures and practices. If you or anyone on your team encounters an inconsistency or conflict, bring it to the attention of both your manager and the Compliance Office.